
Showing posts from April, 2023
The informative Human, by D. Conterno (2023)  Manolis Kellis is a prominent scientist and computational biologist known for his genomics and gene regulation research. He is currently a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a member of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Kellis and his team have developed computational methods for analysing the human genome and understanding the regulatory networks that control gene expression.   Genomics One of Kellis's most significant contributions to the field of genomics is the development of the ENCODE project. ENCODE stands for Encyclopedia of DNA Elements, an international collaboration that aims to identify and analyse all functional elements in the human genome. The project has produced an enormous amount of data and has helped to shed light on the complex mechanisms that regulate gene expression.   Kellis has also developed other genomics tools and resources, such as the Genomics of Drug ...
The future of Medicine and AI Technologies, by D. Conterno (2023)   Artificial intelligence (AI) has already significantly impacted the field of medicine, and this impact will only increase in the coming years. The integration of AI and medicine has the potential to revolutionise healthcare delivery, enhance treatment outcomes, and improve patient satisfaction. The future of AI in medicine is vast and can change how healthcare is delivered.   Where are we today? The healthcare industry is witnessing unprecedented growth in medical information. With the rise of digital healthcare, electronic health records (EHRs), and other forms of health data, the volume of medical information available to physicians is immense. The traditional approach of diagnosing and treating illnesses based on a physician's experience and expertise is no longer sufficient. Today's medicine requires a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration among physicians, nurses, and other healthcare pro...
  The true nature of Evil, by D. Conterno (2019)          What is evil? What is this thing that that brings fear, violence, deception, suffering, sorrow, distress and calamity? Is evil just confined to a few humans or is it lurking somewhere in our psyche? This article will challenge what we understand by evil and hopefully will lead the readers to a new understanding and more importantly a greater awareness of what our consciousness is made of…   Evil has been associated for millennia as an external or supernatural force that manipulates humans. In many religious as well as mystical traditions we found the concepts of demons, djinns, rakshasa, flyers, etc… Some may be other dimensional, lower astral or mystical beings and other dark energies.   Generally, they are perceived to either induce humans to committing evil deeds or are just energetically feeding on them. In all cases, these entities are perceived as the true nature of our failing ...