Balanced Model for a Higher Level of Consciousness
By Jack Beauregard, Founder/CEO of The Wisdom Company®
Our species is currently in the process of
transformation to a new paradigm and to a higher level of consciousness. This
has been made possible by many recent developments, including environmental
awareness, the women’s movement, exposure to non–Western philosophies, and
through the most modern technological advances. Computers and satellite
communications daily present us with pictures of Earth. International aviation,
the World Wide Web, and the globalization of businesses are each creating a
synthesis in the creation of a larger global consciousness. Major media events,
such as pictures of the first time a man walked on the moon become part of the
collective, global consciousness of our species.
You can help create a new, harmonious world in which to live by taking responsibility for transforming your own consciousness. When enough people choose to develop, act, and do business from a balanced, wholistic paradigm, this will automatically have a positive influence on the consciousness of our planet. We can help co–evolve with the intelligent creative process of the universe. When a critical mass is reached, we will then create a positive alternative to the negative actions and beliefs of today’s world.
Our species will evolve to its rightful inheritance when we realize that human consciousness is a smaller part of the larger consciousness of the universe, and our individual lives, and the human species in general, are small parts of the vast web of life and just one manifestation of the mystery of creation.
When we model our lives on the principles of the universe and connect with the wholeness and process of creation, we become responsible local citizens of the globe and realize that we are inherently co–creators with the evolutionary process of the universe. Through the higher level of consciousness, we become aware that we create the world each day by choosing our attitudes and beliefs, then acting on them. A higher level of consciousness opens our lives to our original inner cores, which allows the creativity of the universe to flow into our lives and enables us to find innovative solutions for solving the numerous challenges that we are now facing. A higher level of consciousness also creates a spiritual perspective which allows us to view our lives, other people, our work organizations, technology, the planet earth, and the universe from a sacred point of view.
Mental paradigms provide a shared framework for how we understand
reality and ourselves. They form the basis for the mindset that we have, the
way we think, make decisions, perceive ourselves and the world around us. Paradigms
are so pervasive that we do not even know they exist, but they are the
underlying cause of the existential crises we are facing in the world today. There
have been four predominant paradigms in Western Civilization. They are:
The Magical Paradigm emerged during the time early man tried to control, or stop, natural events by performing magical rituals. Everything was magical, since people had not yet developed to the point of being able to understand how the universe worked. That is why the only way they could feel connected to the universe was through ceremonies and repeating formulas which they believed had magical powers that would ensure their survival and satisfy their basic needs.
Classical Paradigm
The next major paradigm transition in Western Civilization was to the Classical Paradigm which emerged around 800 BC when Homer wrote the Iliad and Odyssey. The Classical Paradigm reached its height during Greek and Roman times.
Scholastic Paradigm
The Scholastic Paradigm was next to emerge during the Dark and Middle Ages in Europe. It was the Age of Faith, a time when religion permeated society. The Scholastic Paradigm, which is inherently imbalanced towards Idealism, continues today under the name, Traditional Paradigm, which is the mental model of fundamental religions and the alt-right.
The fourth paradigm to emerge was heavily influenced by Isaac Newton around 400 years ago. Newton envisioned the universe as a clock mechanism that was created by God, the ultimate clockmaker, who after his creation, retreated to let the clock universe run by itself. The purpose of machines is to produce, which is why so many people today believe in the Mechanistic Paradigm and that the sole purpose of their lives is to produce and make money.
The Myth of Progress
Myths provide an underlying meaning and structure to our lives and provide explanations for social realities. The Myth of Progress in the Mechanical Paradigm is one of the most powerful forces in the world today. It promises that industry and science will transform the earth into a material paradise and bring about a golden Age of Prosperity. This myth is reflected in the expectation that people’s incomes will constantly rise. Progress is one of the highest virtues of the Mechanical Paradigm, and growth and expansion are the engines behind it. Many people around the world are angry and rising up because they have become aware that the Myth of Progress is simply a myth which is not only unsustainable, but prevents us from doing what we need to do to survive.
Inflection Point: The Ending of the Old Paradigms
The old paradigms that we have been seeing the world through
are no longer working. This is reflected in the rise of: fundamentalism,
economic inequality, social injustice, extremism, fascism, tribalism, religious
intolerance and endless wars. The inherent imbalance of the old paradigms
has reached such a degree that the established world order is in the process of
a general breakdown.
old paradigms are not able to deal with the issues that we face today. The
increase in income inequity and the creation of imbalance in the life
sustaining global system of the planet are natural outcomes of the inherent
imbalance of the Traditional and Mechanistic Paradigms. Either we move beyond
the outdated prevailing paradigms, or we, and civilization as we know it, will
cease to exist. Only by re-balancing the planetary, economic, political and
social inequalities can we stop the process of destroying civilization and all
life on Earth. We are living in an inflection point in the history of
Change happens externally, while transition is how we
personally respond to change. We are experiencing a fundamental change in how
we view how things work in the world. As in any major life and paradigm
transitions, there is an ending of the old and a beginning of the new. We are
in the Transformational Zone and experiencing the process of expanding our
consciousness which allows us to go beyond the old dysfunctional prevailing
A Higher Level of Consciousness Paradigm
Balance is a fundamental concept of the universe. It effects the amount of time that you spend at work, how healthy you are and the degree of personal integrity that you have. It also effects the quality of the way you think and the effectiveness of the choices that you make. There are two different concepts of balance. The first is a static concept in the Newtonian model of the Mechanical Paradigm in which balance is viewed as two opposing forces that exert equal force on each other. Any extra weight on one side or the other automatically creates an imbalance. Maintaining equilibrium is the main goal of the static concept of balance. A common image that is associated with a static view of balance is that of a seesaw. Yet, it is nearly impossible to maintain balance in this concept, since one small change on one side will throw the other side off balance. An example of a static aspect of balance is the planet Mars. Compounds and gases in the Martian atmosphere settle into a state of equilibrium which is one of the reasons why no life exists on Mars today. When we approach change from a static concept of balance, it creates the need to maintain the status quo so we can emotionally stay within our comfort zone. A static concept of balance also causes us to micromanage any changes that do occur.
The second definition of balance, which is the foundation for the Balanced Paradigm, expands our perspective from a static to a dynamic concept in which complementary opposites are created from a dynamic interplay. An example is vibratory waves which are a basic pattern of reality. Also, life by its very nature is dynamic. The universal process of dynamic balance provides you with a process orientation towards change and a whole new level in how you think, view yourself, and live the rest of your life. The process perspective of dynamic balance provides a successful way for you to approach personal, business, cultural and global transformation, all of which are not static, but are inherently dynamic processes.
The Balanced Paradigm provides a wisdom-based philosophy and framework to create this needed spiritual and cultural transformation. The application of the wisdom principles of the Balanced Paradigm can unify nations into a new global society, a United States of Earth!
The new model for living, doing business, creating economic and racial equality, and restoring planetary balance is not a utopian idea. The wisdom-based balanced model is built on seven scientifically-proven principles that create a framework for the following:
- Cosmological perspective
- Balanced mental paradigm
- Integrated mindset
- Balanced thinking
- Both-And perspective
- Wisdom-based culture
- Just society
- Stakeholder’s Capitalism
- Life of authenticity
The following are twelve beneficial ways that the wisdom-based principles of the Balanced Paradigm can transform the very structure of how we treat each other, govern ourselves and do business based on a more just, equitable and happier society:
- Increase Economic Growth
In the old Mechanistic Paradigm model, wealthy citizens maintained disproportionate political power compared to poorer citizens which encouraged the development of inefficient tax structures skewed in favour of the wealthy. Equal income distribution increases political stability. Economists have found empirical evidence of a positive correlation between long-term growth rates and sustained economic balance which decreases the level of poverty.
Studies have established a positive relationship between income balance and crime. The greater equity created by the Balanced Paradigm increases greater community involvement and lowers homicide rates.
- Improve Public Heath
- Enhance Education
- Improve Equity in Society
The both-and perspective created by the Balanced Paradigm reduces racial and gender inequities making us aware that we all belong to the human race. Coming from a position of oneness increases population-wide satisfaction and happiness in society.
- Develop Economic Equality
Researchers have found that income imbalance increases the rates of health and social problems. The Balanced Paradigm helps to decrease economic imbalance and stop stratification of society into “haves” and “have nots.” The resulting equalization of income helps prevent our civilization from collapsing. If we don’t, we are opening ourselves up to the same fate as what happened to the Roman and Han empires which self-destructed because of inequality.
- Increase Social Unity
Research has shown an inverse relationship between income imbalance and social cohesion. In more equal societies, people are much more likely to trust each other, feel a greater sense of goodwill, mutual sympathy and social connection with other groups who make up society.
- Improve the Well-Being of Employees
Greater income balance can lead to decentralization of the labour force, resulting in employers needing more workers. This helps employees take advantage of increased competition which leads to increased take home income. It also provides an effective way to counterbalance job losses due to artificial intelligence, automation and robotics.
- Reinforce Democracy
Politically, the Balanced Paradigm helps reinforce democracy by restoring the checks and balances and creating economic balance which can increase participation by the poor which empowers them to have greater influence over policies that effect their well-being and reduces the ability of wealthy groups to corrupt the political process.
- Balanced Trade
The Balanced Paradigm creates sustainable economic growth by re-establishing balanced trade relationships which counterbalances increasing trade deficits.
- Strengthen Businesses
The Balanced Paradigm also helps shrink the income gap and power imbalance between CEOs and employees by establishing a balanced playing field among management, stakeholders and employees which increases loyalty and morale throughout organizations. It also helps companies be more viable by balancing their financial sheets and establishing genuine work-life balance for employees. (The Wisdom Company ® will soon be launching an online program that shows owners and executives how to grow their businesses by becoming sustainable and equitable companies.)
- Create Mutual Consensus
Harmony, oneness, unity and wisdom are defining characteristics of the Balanced Paradigm. They provide the context for the creation of mutual respect in society, while its both-and perspective and associated wisdom-based strategies counterbalance political polarization and intolerance.
The middle path symbolizes a new global society created by a higher level of consciousness and the twelve beneficial effects of the Balanced Paradigm. The Conscious Enterprises Network provides us with a forum to help restore economic, racial, societal and environmental balance.
Welcome to the new beginning that the Conscious Enterprises Network offers us like minded travellers!
The Wisdom Company ®
Principles ♦ Values ♦ Adaptability
One Russell Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
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